6 Artisans supported KISANY
RWANDA | 2018
SECTION OF DRESS: From Darkness to Light
A collaborative work created by a group of strong and vibrant women rebuilding their lives with the help of embroidery
Annonciata, Dancila, Donata, Dorothee, Rose & Valerie
KISANY is a Belgian social enterprise dedicated to building an economy of skilled and financially independent artisans in DR Congo and Rwanda. For over fifteen years, they have offered training and work to vulnerable women and the result is two flourishing partner ateliers, fulfilling local and international projects, and more than 1300 lives transformed.
Words below are written by founder Nicole Esselen:
“From Darkness to Light was created by 6 women, part of the Aprohade group in Kigali, Rwanda. They told me that it was the first time that all of them had worked on 1 piece together, a very bonding experience. All these women have lived through the genocide and lost families, relatives, children. For them it has been hell which they embroidered in black, this tiny place where they felt constricted, sad, angry, desperate.
With the years passing, the healing process started too and they breathed more freely with every year passing by. Life was stronger than death. The circle becomes wider and wider to take the whole space, an image of the space they are capable to take again while the sun rays symbolise their expansion.”
To contact Nicole to arrange commissions please see the Kisany website : https://www.kisany.com/
A huge thank you to all who have given their time, energy, enthusiasm, advice, experience and support to The Red Dress project over the years.
In addition to the institutions below, funding has been gratefully received from a number of private donations and via 3 Crowdfunding campaigns in 2020, 2022 and 2024.
In addition to the institutions below, funding has been gratefully received from a number of private donations and via 3 Crowdfunding campaigns in 2020, 2022 and 2024.
