Mary Ayres
TOBAGO | 2012
A happy embroidery after a long search for a Tobagonian embroiderer.
Kirstie lived in Tobago for a few months in 2012 and brought the dress’s bodice with her to the island – keen to find a local artisan to add a piece of embroidery to the garment. Embroidery is not a celebrated tradition although there are a huge amount of skilled artisans and makers. Finally, after a few weeks she was introduced to Mary a brilliant seamstress, who also worked on Mount Irvine beach just outside Pleasant Prospect in Tobago.
Mary was keen to add a motif, and chose to embroider a traditional Tut – Tut bird onto the shoulder of the bodice.
To contact Mary for commissions, please contact Kirstie directly.
A huge thank you to all who have given their time, energy, enthusiasm, advice, experience and financial support to the Red Dress project over the years.
In addition to the institutions below, funding has been gratefully received from a number of private donations and 441 individuals around the world via 2 Crowdfunding campaigns in 2020 and 2022.
In addition to the institutions below, funding has been gratefully received from a number of private donations and 441 individuals around the world via 2 Crowdfunding campaigns in 2020 and 2022.